Joesph Matthew Jazz
Feb 19, 2007 7lbs 3oz 20in

Montana - Putative Father Registry

Statutes: 42-2-201 et seq.

Obtain forms from either the Department of Public Health and Human Services (see address below), the clerk of the district court’s office, or the local health department. Or you may simply print or type on a plain piece of paper the following information:


Mail, fax, or deliver the registration information to:

Bureau of Vital Statistics
Department of Public Health and Human Services
111 N. Sanders, Room 205
Helena, MT 59620
Tel: 406-444-4228

Fax: 406-444-1803

The form must be received no later than 72 hours after the child’s birth. Actual knowledge of the pregnancy or birth is not required to file a form with the registry.

Notarization required.

Cost: None indicated.

Return to national putative father index

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